Product Category

Vacuum generator Covevying gerator

-Can adjust vacuum flow

-The vacuum generator is designed to allow particles and small fragmentsto pass directly through the vacuum generator

-Particularly suitable for high-pollution areas where dust and small debriscan easily enter the vacuum line

Product Description

Product parameters

Model Maximumvacuum -kPa Maximumvacuumflow L/min Supply pressure bar Gassupply category ΦA ΦB ΦC D E F T G1 G2 G3
VTA250 -84.4




4-6  maximum 7 Drycompressed air 6.80 18.80 31.30 41.00 31.60 22.00 3.70 G1/8″ G1/4″ G1/4″
VTA375 9.60 25.50 43.50 69.80 44.40 37.60 5.00 G3/8″ G1/2″ G1/2″
VTA500 12.70 25.20 50.00 69.80 50.80 37.60 5.00 G3/8″ G1/2″ G3/4″
VTA750 19.10 31.40 56.80 63.50 50.80 38.00 5.00 G1/2″ G3/4 G1″


Vacuum air consumption


4.99 9.98 14.97 19.93 24.92
16.9 33.8 50.70 67.50 84.40
VTA250 113 170 235 275 340
VTA375 175 325 481 594 820
VTA500 340 623 792 934 1274
VTA750 651 872 1245 1783 2547


Vacuum air consumption


4.99 9.98 14.97 19.93 24.92
16.9 33.8 50.70 67.50 84.40
VTA250 283 243 204 164 127
VTA375 849 736 623 524 396
VTA500 1698 1330 1132 991 651
VTA750 3396 2462 1975 1443 1132


Vacuum generator Covevying gerator

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